Sunday, September 26, 2010

First Film

So I took my first film last week but I haven't been able to get my pics to upload onto my blog? I have no idea why? So they're on my flickr account for now... Click here to have a look :)
So I was also talking to Matt last week and he suggested since a lot of my photos were over exposed that I should think of doing a scratch video...

Len Lye does some scratch film
You can view it here on youtube this film was made in 1958 and i think this is something i may look into doing with my film as my photos did not come through as well as I would have hoped

Here are a few images that I liked...

Len Lye explores some really abstract and colourful images which is why I think I am so interested in his work...theres something captivating about the way he makes his scratch film

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