Thursday, August 5, 2010


My project has taken a few different turns in terms of concept.
What I have decided to portray is how social networking sites make what are supposed to be intimate and personal moments public.
The most intimate of moments I could think of was breaking up and how this can now be portrayed online on facebook with 'Hope went from "in a relationship" to "single".
Because I wanted to add some narrative 'status updates' I decided to go with a comic book strip layout.
I think facebook is becoming a stand in for face to face communication, people share a lot about themselves online and it is funny how facebook has become the way in which I personally find out whether my friends are in a new relationship, have had babies and are engaged etc.
Facebook has removed the need for face to face communication and invaded our personal lives.
Precedents i will use are...Matt Stuart for his quirky style of photography of people in everyday situations and also Garfield and peanuts comic strips which tell short but interesting stories.

Final Images

The first image sets the scene....
This image shows what is going on however does not necessarily show who these people are...they could be
In this Image I wanted to show intimacy, making it a private moment and makes you realise this is a couple
This image is used to twist the show something bad has happened but does not suggest what...
Finally this image ties in the series and shows you that the couple just broke up...the reason I have included other statuses in this image is to show how 'single' then becomes available to everyone...and that is why i have included other statuses in the image...your new post is available to your social network and is therefore normalised...
As a series I think the images work strongly in terms of narrative

I decided to go with these images for my final series as I feel that they build up an intimate and private moment. This is then shaken up with the spilling of the coffee cup and then the discovery that this is actually a break up. The last image shows how my status has changed from in a relationship to single and with the use of facebook text boxes I am able to capture the essence of how facebook functions...taking these provate moments and making them public...
I have also included the posterized version...which was pretty cool but for my concept i feel the images are stronger without them conveying this idea that 'this really happened'

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